October 4, 2019- Highlights Of Our Learning

The school year is underway. Here are some highlights of our learning.

Language Arts:
- Personal narratives
-"Juicy" verbs
- Similes
- Heart mapping paragraph with introductions and conclusions
- The Best Part of Me mentor text for writing
- Stories and reflective writing related to 'belonging'
- Class read aloud: Wonder
- Reading strategies: visualizations, connections, summarizing
- Plot vs theme in stories
- Opinion writing
- Wordy study related to groups of words with same sounds, prefixes/suffixes
- mini lessons/review of cursive writing

- Adopting a tree
- Value of trees and forests
- Tree vs plant
- Deciduous and coniferous trees
- Forest ecosystems
- Producers, consumers, decomposers
- Leaf classification (leaf type, shape, margin, arrangement)
- Tree shapes/silhouettes

Social Studies:
-Decision-making processes/models
-What does democracy mean?
-Four pillars of democracy
-Rights and responsibilities
-Charter of Rights and Freedoms
-Government responsibilities
-Introduction into politics (pitching an idea)

-Jo Boeler's growth mindset
-Adding large numbers with and without regrouping
-Read and understand numbers up to the hundred thousands or millions and/or beyond
-Place value charts
-Comparing value of numbers
-Sequencing numbers
-Converting numbers to expanded form and standard form
-Reading and writing the word form of numbers
-Beginning to round and estimate
-Multiples, lowest common multiple
-"Zapping" strategy (e.g. 30 one hundreds = 30 x 100 = 3000; 14 ten thousands = 14 x 10 000= 140 000)
-Other vocabulary words used in Math: ascending, descending, digits, numerals, operations, equation, expression, greater than, less than, order, arrange, position and value of digits, re-group, sum, difference,

Phys. Ed.:
-Cooperative games
-Small equipment relays/games to build sportsmanship
-Group/partner training
-Outdoor recess-type games
-Terry Fox training
-Skill development related to Tchoukball

- Sketchbook journalling
- Using 2B and 6B sketching pencils, with smudgers
- Watercolour painting techniques
- Photography, digital editing
- Paper collaging
- Drama related to Social Studies (pitching an idea)

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