We are learning how to study!
We have been studying for a Science test during class time. We are learning what it means to study and what works best for each person. Suggestions from our class meeting:
- use the provided list of vocabulary and concepts, look up the information and then write it in your own words (printing information down helps you remember)
- writing down the information more than once and then saying it aloud (talking about it with a partner or saying it aloud by yourself will help)
- repeat the information in different ways
- zoom in to the vocabulary and concepts you don't know or can't remember and have this as your priority- quiz yourself on it (read or say the word and then think of the definition or vice versa)
- highlight just the important words and then scan what you've highlighted and quiz yourself on that (look at it, remember it, look away, say it aloud/write it down, check)
- remove yourself from distractions
- if you need to move your body and study, do it- some people will pace back and forth as they are studying
- make flashcards with a question on one side or vocabulary word on one side and then the answer on the back
- Quizlet has pre-made flashcards that you can use but remember our test is on what we've learned in Room 8 (you can sign in to Quizlet using your Google Drive information)
- always soak in the important information and filter out the 'useless' information
- creating a graphic organizer where you have a vocabulary word, with the definition and a visual, can help
- use your strengths to help you study (e.g. if you are a verbal person, then talk; if you are a visual person then write and draw; if you need to act it out- then do it; if you need to do a bit of each, then do it)
- make sure that you understand what you are studying and writing down- if you don't understand it then you have to "rewind" and figure it out
- write notes in your own words
- create questions to answer (pretend you are writing the test- what would the questions be?)
- be in an area that you know you work best in- what works for you best?
- draw diagrams and illustrations that make sense to you and that you can explain
- remember that the information is not just on the internet- have you accessed your notebook, sketchbook, field trip booklets, self-reflection sheets and memory of discussions/experiences? Remember that our learning is in many forms.