Paul Davis Cyber Expert Talk Tuesday at 6:30pm

This afternoon the intermediate students at Alexander Ferguson took part in a 45 minutes presentation by Paul Davis, a cyber expert.

Tonight, he will be presenting to parents in the Alexander Ferguson school gym at 6:30pm. He will be arriving around 6pm, if parents would like to ask questions or if you have concerns, before he begins his presentation.

His presentation is fact-based.

Big takeaways from the information presented by Paul Davis to the students this afternoon:

-it is very easy to find information about people on any platform
-an average tech. person can find out too much information about you with very low effort
-you often have to be 13 years of age to have any form of social media (it is respecting the online rules)
-for YouTube, create videos on your parents account and turn off comments (comments are unnecessary and the source of so many problems)
-place a bandaid over your webcams on PCs, Chromebooks and Macbooks
-technology has no place in your bedroom (technology plus isolation equals getting hurt with poor choices made)
-no phones at the dinner table
-digital trails and footprints are permanent
-all choices online are of effort and intent
-pictures never disappear even if they are deleted
-parents need to be aware of what you are doing online
-there are online predators that we need to be aware of by protecting ourselves online
-predators like to find kids on platforms, especially Instagram and TikTok, because they prey on how kids are so trusting
-play online games with real people that you know and communicate to only real people who you personally know
-respect the age restriction for video games and social platforms
-create a strong and private password (don't share it with friends and siblings)
-never respond to cyberbullying, and outsmart the cyberbully by collecting all of the evidence and reporting it
-always get your parents permission before downloading or uploading

Take interest in...
- coding (start with Scratch for a year, then move on to Python and JavaScript)
- language and math apps (with parent permission)
- blogging by opening a blog with parents

Paul Davis may not be our mom or our dad but he is a proven cyber expert and he wants to share fact-based information with us. Ultimately, decisions are made at home with your family.

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