Important Dates in February

February 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - One World Drum visits and teaches us West African drumming with the

February 5- Grade 6 Vincent Massey tour from 10:30-12:30

February 6- Grade 6 Vincent Massey evening open house starting at 6:30pm

February 7- One World Drum assembly after recess (students will be performing)

February 12- AE Cross tour from 9:45-12:10pm

February 13 and 14- Teachers' Convention (no school for students)

February 17- Family Day (no school)

February 21- Mrs. Enns last day with us

February 24- Please welcome Mrs. Bannister, our new music teacher

February 26- Dental student presentations; Pink Shirt Day

February 27- Dental student presentations; Fun Lunch

February 28- Sharing assembly

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