
Showing posts from February, 2020

Equivalent Fractions, Different Denominators

Fraction Task Created By A University for Upper Elementary School Students

Writer’s Workshop Today



The video we used today to support our discussion about fractions: Vocabulary introduced and/or reviewed today to launch our study of fractions: - unit - whole - divide by - shared - equal parts - numerator - denominator - equivalent fractions - mixed numbers and improper fractions

New HW due Friday, Feb. 21, 2020

1) Thoroughly complete the news article template in preparation for tomorrow’s lesson, write a possible headline on the back of the sheet, show your parents, and have your parents sign the top near your name. 2) Complete ten more minutes of research on Google Drive about Afghanistan, the setting of our next class novel study. Do not copy and paste the facts.

Upcoming Grade 5/6 Field Trips and 'Celebration of Learning' Performance

Upcoming Grade 5/6 Field Trips Wednesday, April 8th - Leighton Art Centre  *3-4 parent volunteers will be needed per class *We'll be traveling by school bus to Leighton Art Centre in Foothills, Alberta Thursday, April 23rd- Calgary Public Library (Central Library) *3-4 parent volunteers will be needed per class *We'll be traveling by school bus to the Central Library in downtown Calgary Alexander Ferguson's Celebration of Learning is the evening of Thursday, April 23rd. Students will be bringing their families to the Central Library to watch their performances that evening.  Thursday, June 4th- Heritage Park for AMA School Patrollers *Many parent volunteers will be needed depending on how student create groupings based on park priorities (ideally, one parent per four students) *We'll be traveling by school bus to Heritage Park located on Herita...

Peer Feedback Homework due Friday

Peer Feedback Homework - Catch up from today's lesson by completing feedback for the three peers in your group. T ell something good A sk a question G ive a suggestion Examples from today's lesson: Great use of a strong adjective in this sentence! Throughout your writing, you were intentional with adjectives.  Your headline really caught my attention because you have two W’s in it.  I like how you poured out the five W’s and I got a great sense of what this article is about based on the first couple paragraphs.  Your quote about ______ is very interesting and unique. It added pizzazz to the article.  **use the inverted triangle for article writing to help with intentional feedback Each peer in your group needs T.A.G.

Alberta Legislature Field Trip Cancellation

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the grade 5/6 field trip to the Alberta Legislature, in Edmonton, on April 8, 2020, has been cancelled.  The grade 5/6 team will be researching and deciding on a replacement trip. Please stay tuned for more information. Thanks for your understanding.

Cougar Article Homework is due Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Google Doc is titled: Cougar Article Homework Use the three articles we read together (already shared with you) about man punching cougar to save dog in order to rewrite the cougar article for a fourth version: your version.  Headline reminders: Adding 1-2 Ws Don’t add articles: ‘an’ ‘a’ ‘the’ Avoide ‘is’ ‘am’ ‘was’ ‘were’ ‘are’ ‘be’ ‘being’ Create curiosity  Replace ‘and’ with a comma Capital at the start and any proper names Present tense When finished rewriting the cougar article using the three provided articles, create a legend at the bottom of your page for the following items: LEGEND Headline Subheading Byline What When Where Who Why/How Quotes Extra info./extra facts/non-essential items *assign a coloured highlighter for each item and highlight your article accordingly 

Food Bank Donations For February

Alex Ferguson School is collecting food items for the month of February, to support the Food Bank and connect to the community. The Calgary Food Bank bins are located at the front entrance until March 5th. We have been excited to see items trickle in.

Drumming Assembly Videos


Curriculum Highlights

Grade Five Math - identifying number patterns and pattern rules - using patterns to solve problems - using variables to describe a pattern - using a variable to write an equation - solving equations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (with a variable) Grade Six Math - completing and solving input and output charts - representing patterns in tables - using variables to describe patterns - plotting points on a coordinate grid - drawing the graph of a pattern - understanding equality - keeping equations balanced Writing/Reading - focusing on peer feedback with our story beginnings by using shared criteria for success - comparing and contrasting the organization and content of narrative (story) vs functional (newspaper) writing  - understanding  the form of a newspaper article and identifying important facts that identify 5Ws and offer extra information to the audience -analyzing newspaper layouts -comparing newspaper articles (how do d...

Drumming assembly Friday at 10:30am

To celebrate our time with 'One World Drum' this week, we will be hosting a drumming assembly in the gymnasium right after recess (10:30am). Parents are invited.

Galaxies in our Universe

The universe to galaxies to solar systems to planets- we have been deepening our understanding of how the Earth, the Sun and the Moon are part of a solar system that occupies only a tiny part of the known universe.

Our Words To Live By

The grade five and six art pieces were inspired by our class novel study, Wonder , and this year’s school theme of ‘belonging’. We used painting, stamping, and collaging techniques to create ‘Our Words to Live By’. We layered Gesso, acrylic paint, paper with Mod Podge, and chalk pastel to create the desired effect.  Not only are our main words to live by important to us, but also the smaller words on the torn paper and paper hearts were carefully selected by us, too.

Important Dates in February

February 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - One World Drum visits and teaches us West African drumming with the                                      djembe February 5- Grade 6 Vincent Massey tour from 10:30-12:30 February 6- Grade 6 Vincent Massey evening open house starting at 6:30pm February 7- One World Drum assembly after recess (students will be performing) February 12- AE Cross tour from 9:45-12:10pm February 13 and 14- Teachers' Convention (no school for students) February 17- Family Day (no school) February 21- Mrs. Enns last day with us February 24- Please welcome Mrs. Bannister, our new music teacher February 26- Dental student presentations; Pink Shirt Day February 27- Dental student presentations; Fun Lunch February 28- Sharing assembly

New Mathletics Assigned

New Mathletics has been assigned. Please complete the assignments, when you can.